Coolest Home Automation Products for 2017

Technology in 2017 is pretty incredible. And if you’re a homeowner, there may very well be some home automation products out there that you would love to get your hands on. Consider these top home automation products of 2017, and check out the full list of best smart home devices at   Amazon Echo … read more “Coolest Home Automation Products for 2017”

When Refinancing Makes Sense, and When it Doesn’t

If you are thinking about selling your old home and building a new home, but aren’t sure if doing so is the right choice for you at this stage in life, consider this list of reasons to say goodbye to your current abode. 1. You’re Looking to Expand If you’re expanding your family, your current … read more “When Refinancing Makes Sense, and When it Doesn’t”

Protecting Your Home from Icicles and Ice Dams During the Winter Months

One of the best things about living in a state with four seasons is the change in weather and the beauty that accompanies it, ranging from bright white snow to the green leaves of spring. But living in a state where temperatures drop below freezing has some downsides, too, including the risk of icicles and … read more “Protecting Your Home from Icicles and Ice Dams During the Winter Months”

5 Tips for Cleaning Up and Organizing After the Holidays

The holidays bring us happy memories, parties, festive decor and gifts from those we love. After the busyness of the season dies down, many realize that the new holiday decor items and gifts they have acquired do not have a place. Some of these new items are large, bulky and take up a lot of … read more “5 Tips for Cleaning Up and Organizing After the Holidays”

Essential Tools for New Home Buyers in the Northwest

If you are moving out of an apartment and into your brand new Simplicity Home, you might be wondering what tools you will need. If something breaks in an apartment or a rental, you call the landlord and wait for them to come and fix the problem. As a homeowner, you have the opportunity to … read more “Essential Tools for New Home Buyers in the Northwest”